Zorzees Version 2.11

Increased security and CRM enhancements will be taking center stage in the next few releases for Zorzees. In V2.11 which released today, we unified our login pages to reduce the risk of malicious attacks on our product and began fixing finding from third-party security assessments.

CRM Enhancements

  • New instructions provide more clear directions for prospects about to digitally acknowledge they received the FDD or complete the full prospect application.
  • Outbound SMS messages and phone calls to/from prospects are now automatically captured in the prospect history.
  • Improved the legibility of embedded FDDs as PDFs for anyone who zooms via their browser controls.
  • A prospects net worth is now automatically calculated along with total assets, total liabilities and income sources — no more math!

Security Enhancements

  • A new, unified login page provides fewer entry points for malicious attackers.
  • During ACH enrollment, we’ve now added Plaid as an extra layer of security between the Zorzees platform and our users’ bank accounts. It’s a superior user experience, and our users are becoming more familiar with Plaid each day as they increase their market penetration.

Other Enhancements

  • Standardized the way users are created in the platform across all user creation screens so that first name, last name, and email address will be forever consistent.
  • Royalty collection tables now include the period (next, current, last) for the royalty or fee in order to assist with reporting.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where resetting a passphrase twice in a row would catch a user in an endless loop.
  • Fixed issue where full application sent date was not always captured.
  • Fixed issue where updates to applications were not appearing in user/application history.
  • Fixed issue where green check mark was showing for bank accounts even though the bank account was not validated yet.

zorzees version 2.10

Zorzees V2.10 is especially exciting for Franchise Sales CRM users. They can now send outbound drip campaigns via SMS text messages! This large feature is in pilot mode for the next month prior to a general release for all lead owners. Stay tuned for an update from your Client Success Manager for the timing on when you can be onboarded to the feature.


  • CRM Enhancements
    • SMS drip campaigns! This feature has been requested by many CRM users, and we are excited to roll it out in a limited capacity for the next 30 days in pilot mode. Broader roll out coming soon.
    • SMS notifications via email. Lead owners are now notified via email when a prospect replies via SMS text message to their drip campaign using the Zorzees mobile phone number. Keeps your personal phone number private.
    • Brand-specific outgoing voicemail message. For prospect who dial a lead owner’s Zorzees phone number, we’ve created a standard outgoing voicemail message that includes the brand’s name. It informs the prospect that replying directly via SMS instead of voice is preferred and that voicemail will not be recorded.
    • Lead Progress Bar – Quickly scan your leads with an easy-to-see visual indicator to know their progress.
    • Full Application at Any Time – Lead owners can now trigger the full application at any time in the lead flow instead of requiring it prior to sending the FDD.
    • Better UX. When FDDs are made available to existing users of our platform, it is now easier to access the FDD with a large notification on login. The style of drop-down menus on the Item 23 receipt is now large for an improved user experience. When the FDD and full application are sent at one time, now only one email is sent to the prospect letting them know to complete their full application.
    • Improved tracking. The date full applications are sent to prospects are now tracked in the platform under the prospect’s history.
  • Platform now provides the ability to send unlimited attachments in system-generated alerts.
  • The user profile has been simplified to keep it as user-friendly as possible.
  • Updated default field styles to make them more user-friendly across the entire platform for any public-facing website pages.
  • Brand-specific unit types are now reflected on the prospect confirmation page by default.
  • Improved experience for prospects who have lost their passphrase or are logging in for the first time.
  • Negative transactions are now indicated with parentheses for simpler, quicker scanning of any deposits that are reconciled.
  • Zorzees.com website received some minor facelift items to make it easier to learn about our service offering.
  • Check our new Zorzees.com “What’s Happening” section to get the latest socials, blogs and product updates from Zorzees. We look forward to continuing our accelerated growth this year!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where search was not working on some reporting screens.
  • Fixed issue where “undefined” was visible in a number of fields on export from reports.
  • Fixed issue where in some cases links were the wrong color in emails.

Zorzees Version 2.9.2

In this minor release of Zorzees V2.9.2 we released the follow miscellaneous items:


  • Laid foundational architecture to support SMS text message drip campaigns for prospect communications.
  • Calendly integration released to support embedding Calendly links in drip emails and SMS campaigns.
  • For existing platform users who have been sent an FDD, they are now notified to easily access/acknowledge the receipt of the FDD inside the platform.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where search was not working on some reporting screens.

Zorzees Version 2.9.1

In this minor release of Zorzees V2.9.1 we released the follow miscellaneous items:


  • The area page received a revamp and is organized more logically for lead owners to set specific lead owners for different lead sources.
  • Now providing a warning if a prospect already exists for lead owners.
  • Lead owners are now notified immediately when prospects complete a full application.
  • Now supporting multiple scheduler partners for franchises in the pet industry.

Bug Fixes

  • Operations links will now redirect automatically if pages are renamed.
  • Fixed issue where in some cases the area was not assigned to prospect applications on the reports page.
  • Fixed issue where search was not working on active leads in reports.
  • Fixed issue where the first enrolled bank account was not selected by default when enrolling in ACH
  • Fixed issue where some commas were not escaped when exporting reports.
  • Fixed issue where sorting was not working on some report columns.
  • Fixed issue where extra fields were being populated in new prospect email sent to lead owners.

Zorzees Version 2.9

With V2.9 of Zorzees that dropped today, all of our franchise sales CRM users are going to be very excited with a boatload of features to make the automation of the franchise sales process even easier for them. Time to start selling!


  • Area FDDs! If your brand supports them, you can now send either the unit or area FDD from your prospect’s application.
  • Set lead owners by lead source per area. We now support the ability to create different default lead owners per area by lead source. Organizing which area owner is owning which leads now becomes as easy as selecting the lead source in a dropdown menu and then selecting the appropriate lead owner.
  • Enhanced “Full Application.” For brands interested in capturing more information from prospects prior to sending the FDD, the design of the page is streamlined to make it simple for prospects. The assets, liabilities and net worth sections are automatically tallied, and the form includes some subtle elements to help motivate the prospect to complete it. These forms can be long, so every little bit of user experience improvement helps.
  • Prospect names in FDD receipts. To help organize FDD receipts, the receipt file name now includes the propsect’s name and lists whether it is a unit or area FDD receipt within the file name itself. Of course, a unique identifier keep the files secure.
  • Fewer columns for leads. Columns were removed on the Leads report to keep the page simpler and easier to read.
  • Direct line to franchisor support. The purple “Support” button now includes a “Franchisor” option to direct any inquiries to a designated support team in the home office.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue on responsive pages where unit numbers were hidden on the units page.
  • Fixed issue where ordered lists were showing as unordered lists on the help site.

Zorzees Version 2.8

Zorzees V2.8 released today, with improvements to our integration with POS provider Square and a number of bug fixes.


  • Enhanced Square POS integration for royalty collection so fixed-rate royalty clients can pull down daily net revenue numbers any Square business.
  • Enhanced the handling of client privacy policy sign-off when prospects are e-signing the FDD receipt to account for a privacy policy and a separate terms of service.
  • The historical change log of a unit now includes the person who made the change, in addition to the historical record of changes that were made.
  • We enhanced the logic for sending FDD reminders to prospects who have begun the FDD receipt signing process for more a personalized drip sequence to encourage e-signing.

Bug Fixes

  • Quiz results were hidden on user profiles, which have now returned.
  • New users added from the backend are now added to learning groups correctly based upon role.
  • File fields that had disappeared on user profiles from a recent update are now re-added.

Zorzees Version 2.7

We dropped Zorzees V2.7 today, a small update with minor enhancements and bug fixes focused mainly on our Franchise Sales CRM.


  • Added the subject line for viewing which emails are delivered, opened and clicked when viewing prospects in the franchise sales CRM.
  • Finely tuned the lead email parsing process to enable quick mapping of new fields in emails from 3rd party providers to create new prospects.
  • Add new field for Terms & Conditions specifically associated with a full application.
  • Added support for True/False fields in email parsing with ability to support custom field labels as values.
  • Added a new “Google Ads” group to separate some lead source data associated with different types of Google Ad campaigns.
  • For clients using our “Full Application” feature, we disabled the default auto-generated email inviting a prospect complete the application; this can now be triggered by Sales on a per prospect basis.
  • In the event of an  non-sufficient funds (NSF) failure or other failed “R” code for ACH deposits, we now publish detailed information for the recoupment of the invalid deposit.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue a single historical email event was appearing many times in each user’s history.
  • When adding a new unit, we disabled the “Profile” link on the Staff page as the profile is not yet set for any users associated with the unit. issue is fixed.

Zorzees Version 2.6

Boom! 2.6 released today, loaded with a full set of client-requested features to further streamline the franchisee and new employee onboarding process. Lots of bug fixes, too. More goodness coming soon. 🙂


  • Add course completion emails to franchisees, ARs, and managers when anyone attached to a unit completes a course.
  • Added ability to track the history of all prospects in the Franchise Sales CRM.
  • Now provide franchisees the ability to add/remove staff directly from each unit.
  • The Zorzees product Welcome tour can now be launched at any time from the Reporting screen by clicking Support.
  • Product Welcome tour now includes the client’s logo, creating a more special first-time experience.
  • Created easier access to prior versions of FDDs that were esigned by prospects, but then updated due to document typos.
  • ACH transaction IDs are now hidden since the unique Z-ID is included on all ACH transactions.
  • For the public website, we now provide the ability to set a custom photo for the location card that is different than the location’s main location photo.
  • Improved design elements of the Product Welcome Tour.
  • Provided ability to add the franchise inquiry form to locations for brands interested in gathering franchising inquiries through public location pages.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where address on Reporting screens were linking to unit instead of location.
  • Fixed issue where Open Date was not sorting correctly on the Reporting screen.
  • Fixed issue where Zip Code was not returned on unit reporting screen for some locations.
  • Fixed issue where some clients could not send a prospect the Full Application prior to sending the FDD.
  • In some cases, for invalid deposits due to NSFs and other reasons, the reconciliation transaction was reconciled twice. That issue is solved.
  • In some cases, saving data was resulting in a timeout. Optimized saving this data.
  • For some clients, in rare cases the leads tab would not be hidden in the reporting area. This issue is fixed.

Zorzees Version 2.5

This evening we released version 2.5 of Zorzees, which includes a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes across many different areas of our product. Enjoy!


  • Very excited to add our new product welcome tour for first-time users.
  • In the payments area, now include the unit number of any units excluded from that week/month of fees calculating to help with easier tracking of royalty anomalies.
  • In the CRM, all lead grids now filter by the Short Form date, giving you a quick view by category with the most recent leads sorted at top. Any column can be clicked to sort by other data.
  • Laid foundation for creating public-facing pages for area reps/master franchisees.
  • All links from the main Reporting screen now stay within the same browser tab, aligning with best UX practice for Web software. Click Reporting in the left menu to access your default product landing page.
  • Laid foundation for franchisees to manage their own employees through their unit page.
  • Our internal data history now includes logging for any/all ACH-related events including updates and transactions.
  • For ACH transactions, invalid deposits and their respective reconciliations will now include additional details around the unit, franchisee, and AR responsible for the transaction.

Bug Fixes

  • In the CRM, the Active filter is now accurately counting/revealing all leads. Some leads were filtered out unnecessarily in the previous version of Zorzees.
  • Fixed bug where the Support form was not working from the Reporting screen.
  • Hid bullets in left nav of help site for better UX.
  • Fixed issue where some user events were not logged in our history.

Zorzees Version 2.4

There is some exciting news today in Zorzees world as we released version 2.4 which primarily focuses on increased reliability of the main reporting screens as well as adding further transparency around the status of any ACH transactions that failed due to franchisee or area representative issues. A slew of other enhancements and bug fixes were packaged up as well.


  • Added new default “Right of First Refusal” field on the Deal tab for all CRM clients
  • Passing more information on the Welcome Tour to make it personalized per franchise brand
  • Increased speed of indexing data to expedite software releases
  • Now logging all updates to role capabilities
  • Now sorting all leads from most recent to most distant on all lead reporting screens in CRM
  • Clarified column header of “Viewed FDD” to “Viewed FDD Intro” to make it more representative of what it actually is
  • Invalid deposits now include reason codes so clients can see an explanation for why franchisee or area representative transaction was invalid
  • For clients on 1-2 day ACH transfers, in cases where royalties/fees are transferred as invalid deposits, system will now automatically claw back those dollars from the franchisor to return the deposit to Dwolla Balance
  • For administrators initiating manual ACH transactions, confirmation page now redirects to list of all ACH transactions
  • Exporting the ACH spreadsheet now includes additional data columns to assist clients importing into Quickbooks and other financial software
  • For financial administrators, Cancel link is no longer appears on transactions that are already in flight and cannot be canceled.

Bug Fixes

  • Area Representative label was reverting back to default instead of client-specific label
  • Fixed issue where Reporting screen was not publishing Recent Activity date of users
  • Some read-only files could have files uploaded; removed capability
  • Collaboration invitation was not sending in some instances; solved
  • Some SEO data such as social graph was not being saved on some pages
  • Next date/step were not appearing in the CRM in some cases
  • Lead owner field was not appearing consistently in some cases on Reporting screen
  • Waiting Period Over eligibility is now set to false by default
  • Franchisors could not download Excel files of ACH data; small bug fix enabled this feature