Zorzees Version 2.9

With V2.9 of Zorzees that dropped today, all of our franchise sales CRM users are going to be very excited with a boatload of features to make the automation of the franchise sales process even easier for them. Time to start selling!


  • Area FDDs! If your brand supports them, you can now send either the unit or area FDD from your prospect’s application.
  • Set lead owners by lead source per area. We now support the ability to create different default lead owners per area by lead source. Organizing which area owner is owning which leads now becomes as easy as selecting the lead source in a dropdown menu and then selecting the appropriate lead owner.
  • Enhanced “Full Application.” For brands interested in capturing more information from prospects prior to sending the FDD, the design of the page is streamlined to make it simple for prospects. The assets, liabilities and net worth sections are automatically tallied, and the form includes some subtle elements to help motivate the prospect to complete it. These forms can be long, so every little bit of user experience improvement helps.
  • Prospect names in FDD receipts. To help organize FDD receipts, the receipt file name now includes the propsect’s name and lists whether it is a unit or area FDD receipt within the file name itself. Of course, a unique identifier keep the files secure.
  • Fewer columns for leads. Columns were removed on the Leads report to keep the page simpler and easier to read.
  • Direct line to franchisor support. The purple “Support” button now includes a “Franchisor” option to direct any inquiries to a designated support team in the home office.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue on responsive pages where unit numbers were hidden on the units page.
  • Fixed issue where ordered lists were showing as unordered lists on the help site.